Not much to report as i'm working at the moment but in the last couple of weeks i've managed to get the garage emptied out and re-purposed to a spray shop to commence the 'great finishing'.........sounds a bit Chinese that?

The only two things i kept over from the original space was my bench and the beer fridge, two very important, some would say (me included) vital components in any workshop set up. The plan was to get the bench under the window and leave the bulk of the floor area free to set up tresels as required to set components down on to spray.
Also have made and fitted some drying racks as well as fitting two not so big but incredibly powerful fans: one drawing air in through the garage door and one exhausting through what was the back window.
This to get rid of any fumes that may linger so also found myself spending a fair bit of money on filter media which looks like rockwool in various colours and thicknesses plus pleated card for the overspray to stick to beforehand and treated myself to an air-fed mask too.

Still debating whether to buy a decent gun, got my eye on Devilbiss' FLG5 and their GPi guns as these guns will spray both primer and topcoat, might have to see how the pennies go, Have bought a couple more cheap Sealey ones the same as i used to prime the hull with high-build.
Couldn't help myself as someone on ebay was flogging them for £15 each, i paid £35 for the first one and seeing as i got it working pretty well be it with some thinner in the paint thought it a wise investment.
Just waiting for the lacquer and paint to show up.....................