Monday 6 July 2009

Take two

Work has slowed down again so i've awarded myself the week off to ready the back garden for the boat. I have decided (for what it'll cost) to build another cradle although Chris's old one works fine theres no room between the box part of the cradle and the keel stub.

Therefore to make repairing the keel stubs easier i have built a new box cradle

The design of the box is a foot narrower although the cradles end plates are still the same size (4 foot) i beefed up the actual box so it wouldn't twist as the original had (slightly).

The added benefit of this cradle will be having the boat sat as it would in the water (level) which will help alot. i know all this sounds a bit over the top but as there is a lot of interior work to do i don't want the hassle of trying to level things when the time comes.

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