Spent the day cutting, shaping and fitting the engine bearers, got the first pieces in and will move onto marking and drilling for the steel angle. Theres a few things i'm still puzzled over as the bearers are true and plumb in the horizontal and vertical yet the starboard bearer is 6mm lower than the port side - odd.
Still its better than the first attempt which was an engineered solution using 18mm marine ply, it looked good until i planed it then decided hardwood was the way to go. I went to my timber merchants and bought four metres of Sapele window board, whacked it all in a vacuum then got down to cutting and shaping.
Quite pleased with this solution but having used a ton of the stuff i'm almost out of epoxy again still its all in the name of progress, which reminds me i got the plastic tank dry-fitted to check dimensions and space - all went swimmingly although i had to build a plinth for it to sit level so the rather expensive wema sender will work.
To be honest I'm a bit paranoid about forgetting to fit things before the engine goes in as once its in it'll make fitting anything behind it almost impossible - better make a list i think.