Tuesday 6 August 2013

I'm still sulking abit

But not as much - as i want this boat done now, so have reconciled myself to spending the money to get the bloody thing finished. 

I got back into the engine bay to start the final bits and pieces to prep for the installation not least of all repairing the thrust bulkhead which had come away from the heap of chopped strand that had previously kept it part of the boat.

The old stern tube cleaned up very well so I'll be re-using that but she'll get a new prop shaft, cutlass bearing and new inboard fitting to take a pss seal to get the engine in and aligned - you know the wallet can only take so much at once. 

Then todays work involved laying a coat of primer on the locker surrounds as i'm terminally bored filling and fairing them and had no idea where i was at with them, suffice to say they need more work but at least i can see where now.


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