Monday 16 June 2014

Bulkhead a go go!

After a few interruptions i've finally got round to stepping the curved piece and bonding the next piece to it, since my last outpourings i've fitted a solid oak step in the bilge to take the compression loads of the mast via a new compression post.

Curiously Westerly fitted the old compression post offset to starboard on a 6" long piece of 4"x2" via a piece of softwood glassed in inside the dinette module. Thinking of the increase in loads from the increase in sail area; i don't want any hiccups so ran out a load of oak and profiled each piece to the contours of the bilge then bedded on a super thick cabosil bog - pushed it in then scraped away the excess.
I did this after trawling for some answers regarding the most 'belt and braces' way of taking the mast loads and oak kept coming up so went with that seeing as i have tons of the stuff.

Today i finally got to fit the bulkhead i made some seven months ago.......i know don't remind me, its a great feeling fitting things, tomorrow i will fit the final bulkhead piece and then start taping it all down to the hull and coachroof, i intend sheathing everything to give it a bit more defence from moisture and to hopefully give the bendi-ply a chance.

I know this isn't structural and i'm not too fussed as the compression post will be fitted directly behind it in the heads but do want everything tied into the structure and seeing as i have gallons of wests i think its a spiffing idea.

The saloon floor is next in my sites then back to the engine room to bolt in angles and paint out, its just a case of a lack of funds thats stopping me mounting the engine but thats true of everything on this project.
