Friday 20 March 2015

That took the edge off a little.

You know when you're so far down a hole you dont know whether to stop digging or carry on and hope an exit makes itself clear to you well i've been in that situation for more years than i care to remember. 

It sounds almost mindless to say this but i've lost count of the days, weeks, months where i 'd persue an idea waste a heap of money and time pack the tools up back into the van  and go "well that was a fucking waste of time" and go back to work the next day. 

More recently (and more troubling) when you have no work to go to the next day, thats when you start to overthink the failures, the money you couldn't afford to waste yet wasted it, that's when the breathing gets shallower and the pulse starts to race.
Its that inevitable feeling you are actually watching your life fly past you as you stand at your workbench in a boiling hot shed asking yourself wtf am i doing this for anymore.
Well today i finally got what i can only describe as the smallest hint of a rough direction of where i should be digging, its come after several weekends making, scribing and test-fitting the saloon modules.

You'll recall the effort i've gone to to get ply to bend to my will, but i found in the process - and maybe it was the fact i got a bit caught up in solving the problem - that you lose a bit of  the reason for why or what you're doing it for in the first place - perspective that's it.

It was only when i stood back in the cockpit and looked into the saloon that i suddenly got what the recent struggles were all about. 

The basic modules are in place and look fantastic, i mean theres heaps of finishing to do to them but it all looks so cool in there - was definately worth the grief.


Friday 13 March 2015

A catch up.....

Got an email from Dylan Winter yesterday to tell me the first part of the trip i did with him and Jon Roots is online. This was the orientation sail i did with Dylan around the Solent and a couple of other places to get used to he boat and each other.

I understand he's editing my 'Cooking with Roger' segment aka 'one hundred things you never knew you could do with chilli pesto & eggs' - this i did whilst we sailed oop north along the east coast so looking forward to that and the great memories it'll bring back.

Although for sheer talent in adverse conditions neither myself nor Dylan could top Jons's culinary genius in this department.

Regards my boat i will start Saturday with a clean up on outside and then finish the cockpit with an eye to barrier coating the decks, coachroof and cockpit lockers, basically anything thats ply and glass will get six hits of wests and 422 additive.

They'll then be ready for priming then back inside once the power tools are home to fit the interior, all this though is a little way off as i've been offered another carpentry contract by my current employer that'll take me to end of May beginning of June which is just dandy for the project.

I can see that GN Espace cooker getting ever closer folks, although i can only imagine if Jon ever graces my boat what he'll cook up (if i do get one) based on the creations he made on Dylans 'napalm atomiser-device' ........sorry i mean alcohol stove, for my eyes were never quite the same after that trip.

Ta tar.