Sunday 14 August 2016 to the rescue!

Have spent the day starting the big transition from google photos to an online photo app called This so i can share all my pictures publicly to anyone and everyone, sure i've got to pay $72 a year for the privilege but its a small price to pay to escape the clutches of a truly stupid, greedy / nosey behemoth of a corporation like google. 

To re-cap google retired Picasa a free and truly brilliant piece of photo editing / hosting software to replace it with something so totally unfit for purpose you'd think it was dreamt up by a government and not a private company. 

And what with the replacement software unable to freely share pictures and albums with anybody anytime it begged the question: "Whats the point of it then?" To which all the replies i got over the past week told me to "send feedback" or "yes Picasa has been retired we understand your frustration."

Well they clearly don't as these set piece replies have been trotted out to thousands of disgruntled users like me since the start of this year looking at their forums page.

As i said on the google products forum the other night, you have to wonder how much coke's being snorted back in the office for them to not have realised the gigantic oversight to this new photo sharing app, that being you can't actually share anything without a google account.

Google seems to be heading in a rather Orwellian direction if you ask me.

Still I've got as far as uploading albums to Jan 2015 so that's 18 months worth from the most recent work and will do the rest in the coming weeks and sort the links out so i can do a full delete from google. I'm quite taken with the new smoother look to the albums page so much so i may have tidy up of my blogs page. 

But more importantly is to get some time on the boat before years end.


Wednesday 10 August 2016

The nightmare continues..............................

Have spent the last couple of evenings going through the blog from day one to present and rather annoyingly some pictorial links work and some don't. So what i propose doing is - well - once i've found a decent alternative to Picasa will be to set up a handful of albums by year that will include the projects undertaken.

It does fuck me off a little as the whole point of this blog was the stories, the failures as well as the small victories and i kinda think its now lost a bit with Picasa's demise. I say this as i could look at a picture and remember what i was doing thinking and feeling. 

I now have little idea what pictures are where and how i go about sorting out the mess of dead links created entirely by a bunch of money grabbing twats in silcon valley.

Still the past is the past so if anyone knows of a decent alternative to Picasa give us a shout in the comments below.


Monday 8 August 2016

Thanks google..........................

For totally fucking up all my project albums, yes Picasa Web Albums came to end last week and what did they replace it with? 

Why the piece of shit known as google photos of course, except the link that i was given displays all my albums randomly - making it infinitely more difficult to navigate.

Nice one google twats!!

Have spent an entire day today trying to figure out what i was doing wrong until about 8 o'clock this evening when I discovered the google photos forum, seems i'm not alone in thinking what a piece of shit Google Photos is!

Curiously most of the links in the text work but you cant access all the albums at once like in Picasa which was a gallery of albums all neatly labelled and organised chronologically - latest first. 

You gotta wonder what goes through the minds of these fucking nerds when they take something as easy to use and as multi-faceted as Picasa and replace it with a piece of software that looks and feels like it was designed for 12 year olds with a fraction of the features.

Don't be evil................................whatever!