Wednesday 10 August 2016

The nightmare continues..............................

Have spent the last couple of evenings going through the blog from day one to present and rather annoyingly some pictorial links work and some don't. So what i propose doing is - well - once i've found a decent alternative to Picasa will be to set up a handful of albums by year that will include the projects undertaken.

It does fuck me off a little as the whole point of this blog was the stories, the failures as well as the small victories and i kinda think its now lost a bit with Picasa's demise. I say this as i could look at a picture and remember what i was doing thinking and feeling. 

I now have little idea what pictures are where and how i go about sorting out the mess of dead links created entirely by a bunch of money grabbing twats in silcon valley.

Still the past is the past so if anyone knows of a decent alternative to Picasa give us a shout in the comments below.


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