Tuesday 2 May 2017

Bit of a false start..................

Still spent the weekend bolting in the first of many pieces now made forthe inside, namely the locker doors and ironmongery. Didn't go quite as planned even with each screw hole properly piloted and even some copper slip on the screws, i still managed to grind the heads off  of a few of them.

What else? The keels. The keels - what can i say i'm still crazy after all these years to get them right, took the advice earlier given about 'crisping up' the trailing edge and did the same to the leading edge and the top of the trailing edge too.
To finish i gave the keels a quick coat of epoxy and pigmented it black to see the full horror of my fairing attempts from a few years ago and it is terrible but now know where to make the corrections, needless to say never get your boat gel-peeled!

I have a few days off as works slack (surprise surprise) so gonna push on insulating the forecabin and start fitting out the space.

Also nearly forgot, i have the anchor locker all done complete with foredeck reinforcing, a sub-assembly to take the forestay loads a bit better than the original that showed to be pulling slowly up through the foredeck, no really.

It looks quite '50's sci-fi but will spread the load better than the six 20mm penny washers that was the previous method. I found a bew way too of pulling glass round corners and that is to mount the piece you're glassing up on vertical plates inside the bag and then apply pressure, works a treat.



  1. Looks good as per usual Rog. Are you putting a door on the chain locker and if so is it going to be the size of the opening. I have taken that bulkhead back to about 40mm inside the locker and am planning to bolt the replacement to the frame thats left but have a smaller door into the locker. I have lockers running along the hull sides above the bunks which attach to this farward bulkhead. I want the bulkhead detachable so I can remove the locker fronts from the cabin when required. The port side one is too long to get out without being able to remove the bulkhead. Yes I am back working on the boat as well.

  2. Thats great to hear Derek, you're absolutely bang on about the anchor locker, gonna bolt a skinny (6mm ply framed-up panel with hinged) door over the top of the structural bulkhead glassed into the front of the boat. Spent today adjusting and trial-fitting hinges to the primed assembly.

    Like you i want everything removable so as to make it serviceable, will post pics in abit.
