Thursday 10 December 2020

Show's over.

Yep the boats in the skip, the sheds empty, just need to extract the gold sovereigns from the keels and they'll be gone too.

Forces beyond my control finally forced my hand plus the pandemic, (and we all know what we've got to look forward to economically over the next 3-5 years) plus the ever rising cost of materials and my ever growing apathy that's been with me the last 8/9 years all played their part.

The boat didn't go quietly, a partially severed index finger during the kill process temporarily postponed the inevitable, (saw jammed in the grp then released straight through my finger) but then got back to it a few weeks later finishing yesterday. For what its worth the hospitals around my way are all but deserted, where the media gets this 'crisis in the NHS' narrative from i dunno.

My arse didn't touch the seat in Bournemouth when i was called to be patched up then went for surgery two days later to have the tendons and and other bits reattached in Poole General, again very quiet and have physio at Christchurch which is also pretty empty, I couldn't fault the service. 

Still whilst chopping the boat up I observed the same structural problems i witnessed in 2015 sorting the fore peak that led me to pull my interior back out and remove the rest of the original interior. Another observation whilst slicing and dicing was how skinny and uneven the lay up was stem to stern; from the gunwale to waterline mine was no thicker than 6mm where as the deck was 15-18 mm solid laminate!   

There was never the same thickness of laminate from one side to the other but i guess it was all hand laid. I should point out the hardest pieces of structure to remove were mine; i now realize i went completely overkill, that front end could've taken a direct hit from an oncoming vessel and nothing would've broke.

That was the only part of the boat i pretty much through in the skip in its original form, everything else got chopped up to around 300mm x 300mm pieces to stack down in a 10 yard skip. For those contemplating doing the same a chainsaw is rubbish, a Sawzell (recip saw) with metal cutting blades works great along side a 4" grinder with a 1mm thick metal-cutting disc in. 

So what now?

Well I've been going through the parts locker, there is tons of stuff, the major piece being the engine which I've run up a few times in recent years and still only has 0.4 of an hour on it so will get the oils, filters, coolant and belts changed and get it advertised, should say if you're interested or know someone that might be then get in touch.

What else? There's..............well everything, instruments, hardware, full interior cushions (A- layout) various moulding's, mast, boom & spi pole, tanks, pumps, hoses, original interior fixtures, brand new heads, cooker etc. What i'll probably do is list everything here and on the WOA site with a guide price.

But other than that thanks for taking the time.  


  1. Shit. That is grim at every level. I've been following you for only three of your many years, thanks for your help on occasions. Look after yourself.

  2. Cheers UE, a combination of increasing costs, decreasing amounts of time, inclination and some other stuff including the uncertainty over the next few years caused by covid forced it really.

    I've paid up the subs for the URL for the next couple of years so the blog will still be about even if i'm not.

    Cheers for looking in.

  3. Impossible decision either way. I'm sure in the end you'll be glad you did it, and always remember the fun times during the build. All the best to you after making a hard choice.

  4. That is truly saddening to hear Roger, I have been following you from the outset of your project as I too slowly refurb my Centaur. I shall look out for items you list.

  5. What a bugger - too late now, but I'm guessing selling as a 'project' was a non-starter?? You'd put such good work in.. :o(

  6. Andrew: yep life's full of hard decisions, i'm sure you've made some in your life, just one of those things.

    AJ: i've had a few like yourself who've watched from the beginning, i was taken aback by that, good luck with your project and i intend spending next weekend opening up all the boxes and drawing up an inventory of kit as well as categorizing all the original stuff for sale. Stay tuned.

    Steve: yeah the costs to move it were prohibitive so unfortunately its fate was sealed.


  7. This is the first time I found your blog, and at what a point - I read a few back entries and was exhausted at the thought of what you have put in, let alone the pain of your injury.
    I can only say that having got caught with something similar in a way a few years ago - wrong boat, engine issues, osmosis, money pit - I too learnt loads and called it quits.
    Mainly what to look out for on future projects and priceless experience, so prefer to think that the financial cost has been more than recouped on my later projects. Got to think positive.
    Hope the hand heals. Good luck with the sales

  8. Buggeration, what a sad ending to your blog. But understandable. I'm on year 7 with Sprite 2 and the inclination to do anything is but a very thin veneer. Especially doing is single-handed.

    I might finally have enough money to do the big jobs on her next year, but again I've got to wait for the better weather and then we get two good days and it's all over for another 12 months. Or so it seems.

    Hope you still get to go sailing again.
