Thursday, 8 April 2021

The Last Post.

Just the last few bits left on ebay, namely the mouldings, and a few metal parts. The web address, will run until January 2022 when it will revert to its original name;

I will leave this blog up for as long as possible or until either the spammers get to it or google has another bright idea but other then that. Goodbye......................

Friday, 19 March 2021

"Westerly Centaur"

Type the above into the search field on and you'll find the last few bits there. 


Thursday, 10 December 2020

Show's over.

Yep the boats in the skip, the sheds empty, just need to extract the gold sovereigns from the keels and they'll be gone too.

Forces beyond my control finally forced my hand plus the pandemic, (and we all know what we've got to look forward to economically over the next 3-5 years) plus the ever rising cost of materials and my ever growing apathy that's been with me the last 8/9 years all played their part.

The boat didn't go quietly, a partially severed index finger during the kill process temporarily postponed the inevitable, (saw jammed in the grp then released straight through my finger) but then got back to it a few weeks later finishing yesterday. For what its worth the hospitals around my way are all but deserted, where the media gets this 'crisis in the NHS' narrative from i dunno.

My arse didn't touch the seat in Bournemouth when i was called to be patched up then went for surgery two days later to have the tendons and and other bits reattached in Poole General, again very quiet and have physio at Christchurch which is also pretty empty, I couldn't fault the service. 

Still whilst chopping the boat up I observed the same structural problems i witnessed in 2015 sorting the fore peak that led me to pull my interior back out and remove the rest of the original interior. Another observation whilst slicing and dicing was how skinny and uneven the lay up was stem to stern; from the gunwale to waterline mine was no thicker than 6mm where as the deck was 15-18 mm solid laminate!   

There was never the same thickness of laminate from one side to the other but i guess it was all hand laid. I should point out the hardest pieces of structure to remove were mine; i now realize i went completely overkill, that front end could've taken a direct hit from an oncoming vessel and nothing would've broke.

That was the only part of the boat i pretty much through in the skip in its original form, everything else got chopped up to around 300mm x 300mm pieces to stack down in a 10 yard skip. For those contemplating doing the same a chainsaw is rubbish, a Sawzell (recip saw) with metal cutting blades works great along side a 4" grinder with a 1mm thick metal-cutting disc in. 

So what now?

Well I've been going through the parts locker, there is tons of stuff, the major piece being the engine which I've run up a few times in recent years and still only has 0.4 of an hour on it so will get the oils, filters, coolant and belts changed and get it advertised, should say if you're interested or know someone that might be then get in touch.

What else? There's..............well everything, instruments, hardware, full interior cushions (A- layout) various moulding's, mast, boom & spi pole, tanks, pumps, hoses, original interior fixtures, brand new heads, cooker etc. What i'll probably do is list everything here and on the WOA site with a guide price.

But other than that thanks for taking the time.  

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Slow motion.

One thing i haven't quite got used to is how long things take to do. Sure, working on your own is one giant ball ache but coupled with waiting for epoxy to 'kick' so you can get on spraying then fitting things is just doing my head in. 

So even though i have my new super ace epoxy i'm going to give their 'rapid repair' product a go as it promises to cure in 1 -2 hours. I could of course get on doing other bits in the saloon which I have but as mentioned before there's an order in which everything goes together in this project so I'm a bit hamstrung in some jobs.

Still we'll see later on this week when 10kg of the 'rapid' variety should be delivered. I think its the lack of interest in doing the work if I'm honest and having to hang around waiting for stuff to go off that's killing me at the moment, just got to get the boat done. The port side of the galley is in the paint shop getting sprayed so i can still building up the port side settee.

Monday, 6 July 2020

Saloon (Part Deux)

Its still 3D chess in the saloon but i'm used to it now, installing components in such a way so as not to fuck up the next bit. Yesterday was spent bending the galley bulkhead to my will, bit of a self-inflicted wound as i only spray finished one side and consequently it turned into a 4ft square fortune cookie. Never mind, half a dozen f-clamps, some swearing and strategically placed hardwood wedges later as well as three tubes of Puraflex 40 got it all under control.

Gonna go for the settee berth next to port and get that buttoned up and in then i'll proceed to the starboard side, think cookers, cutting back the utility room foam bulkhead and making that a length-wise sea berth. 

It'll get the same treatment as the port side, pull out and storage then i can get back up front into the heads and finish that. Definitely a way to doing this though. Paid works almost back to normal that of up and down so no change for me personally but all good as the money is starting to trickle in again.

Saturday, 13 June 2020

The saloon (part one).

I ummed and arghhed for a while deciding how to lay it out but eventually settled on the revised idea of sink & icebox to the left of the saloon door and oven plus a small drawer unit to the right. This is the most versatile layout i can come up with so you still have to sea-berths down either side and then with some rather spiffy joinery on my part pull the respective bunk fronts out and infill with the respective back rests and have a giant double, 8.5ft x 5ft.

This way, if your intimately acquainted with one another you can go for the giant double option and if not you can sleep separately along the boats length on either side. I will admit to wasting half a day with the laser and measuring tape working it all out and then quietening the voices of doubt in my head. 
The only slight disappointment was building out the sink and icebox side as the icebox to the hulls shape, once insulated is now tiddly but i have an idea to commandeer part of the port side cockpit locker by framing it up and insulating to make an aux store (see booze locker). With the next bit of free time i'll start building out the starboard side. Cheers.

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Well that's that.

So as paid works not starting until mid June i may as well get on with building out the Heads and Hanging locker. Got the bulkheads finally finished how i wanted them & given more protection than a member of the Royal family.

Still they're in after two long days on the roller and hot air gun so its onto cutting and making the floor. I think i'll go the route i did before by encapsulating 2 part foam then sealing with epoxy & boarding over with coated plywood.

I'm liking the fact i have standing headroom with about 70mm above my head in the main saloon so will be able to insulate and put a proper headliner panel in with room to spare. I got the compression post bolted in so that's a weight off my mind as the sapele post had a 6mm curve to it when the metal post was placed up against it. 

For sure the compressive strength parallel to grain is some 8500 PSI so around 4 tons & with a post who's cross sectional area of 9 square inches that's a lot of load bearing. But with the new larger sail plan and no backstay i don't want any drama on the water plus the water tank is half the capacity of the old one so i could spare a little weight up front.

What else? The new epoxy from Easy Composites worked very well although it doesn't like heated rollers. Basically when i heat the area with a hot air gun to aid saturation the roller using Reactives epoxy would stay live for the duration of the lay up as long as you kept wetting it in fresh resin. 

The only fly in the ointment with the new stuff is it sets like a rock on the roller after 30 odd minutes but given the cost saving over Wests i can let that go, it even smells the same as Reactive's resin and wets out a treat so that's a thumbs up from me.