Monday 6 July 2020

Saloon (Part Deux)

Its still 3D chess in the saloon but i'm used to it now, installing components in such a way so as not to fuck up the next bit. Yesterday was spent bending the galley bulkhead to my will, bit of a self-inflicted wound as i only spray finished one side and consequently it turned into a 4ft square fortune cookie. Never mind, half a dozen f-clamps, some swearing and strategically placed hardwood wedges later as well as three tubes of Puraflex 40 got it all under control.

Gonna go for the settee berth next to port and get that buttoned up and in then i'll proceed to the starboard side, think cookers, cutting back the utility room foam bulkhead and making that a length-wise sea berth. 

It'll get the same treatment as the port side, pull out and storage then i can get back up front into the heads and finish that. Definitely a way to doing this though. Paid works almost back to normal that of up and down so no change for me personally but all good as the money is starting to trickle in again.