Wednesday 21 March 2012

Where does all the time go..........

I can't believe we're nearly into April, although the paid work i have at the moment has paused temporarily i'm dedicating this week to the boat.

It seems only yesterday i was sheathing the keels happily unemployed planning on having the boat off the cradle with both keels and a rudder attached but alas work's got in the way and after what seems like an eternity i am now able to get on with finishing the job of sheathing the hull.

As usual the debit card's taken a hammering but as i have a few pennies to rub together i want to push on as i don't want to miss the weather window for paint this year.

What else..............oh yes i finally picked up my 30st antal winches as well as another pair of 16's, i'll flog the 8's on ebay but what a bargain. Those guys at marineware are 'tops' i used them as well for my keel sealant as i just can't bring myself to spend in excess of £250 going the sika route.

I'll let you know how it goes when the time comes but for now its on with finishing off the sheathing.



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