Wednesday 8 July 2015

I'm back.

Having speedily installed the first lot of kitchens on site it turns out the next delivery is a couple of weeks off so back home i've come and with the van working perfectly i can now turn my attentions to the Centaur.

On my mega list of things to do, two things stick out that are technically difficult to execute (imo) and that is the cockpit coamings and the windows, the windows you're thinking i could buy - well i could but the quote in the filing cabinet from Houdini some ten years ago was nudging £800 exchange so God knows what the cost would be today.

Also going against the original aluminium framed design is the fact i want to insulate the cabin so it makes it difficult to incorporate that into the design plus the fact the old ones are quite rotten i dont want ever to do this again so for the third time i got the window frame templates out of the cupboard i made in 2011 and pontificated abit.

The original idea was to make a perfect copy in marine ply and then sheath but the ply was/is awful quality requiring alot of finishing and having made two attempts gave up and put it all back in the cupboard. I then came up with the idea of a wood inner frame and a composite outer frame which i duely laminated up (all four frames worth) in one hit which all stuck together and had (with the use of wedges and various hammers) to be broken apart. 

With another sulk i once again put everything back in the cupboard but this Monday i vowed to make it happen so with a load of over-bought American white oak i set about making the inner frames with an eye to using the composite panels i successfully laminated last year.

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