Tuesday 10 May 2016

I'm still here....

Been getting asked why nothings happening and its all down to 'work' work, still after this job i'm doing now is done the next couple of bits of paid work are in the shop so will get back in the shed soon.



  1. Glad to see you are hard at it mate, I am back on the water and heading for Inverness. Presently waiting at Oban to await fair winds and tides for run up to Fort William. Harmony performing well except the damn fresh water pump failed and deposited all the fresh water in the bilges - I couldn't work out what the sloshing noise was as we lay at the pontoon! It was a new pump so I stripped it down vaselined the washers put it back together and it still leaked but less. Having to lock it down when not in use but may have to replace it with something better. Dylan is set to head north with a new crew, mind you I don't envy them crossing the Irish Sea! New stuff on the blog so do have a look. Have a great summer. Jon

  2. Hey Jon good to hear from you, i've been lurking on everyones blogs, have been reading about your recent escapades, you're really getting some miles under your belt, good on yer mate!

    Bad news about the pump, must've got your heart racing for a bit wondering what all that water was doing there, nothing like a bit of 'guerrilla' maintenance to keep you on your toes eh?

    Yeah i've seen Dylans off across the Irish Sea this week, have to agree with you rather him than me.....well until i've got myself upto speed abit! I've seen he's got the scaffolding off the mast and a few other bits too, might get 5 knots out of her now.

