Wednesday 31 July 2019


And then one day you find tens years have got behind you. No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

Ten years ago today that picture was taken. I find it quite scary how that song echoes (no pun intended) the project; something started at leisure as "life is long and there is time to kill today" to now where plans truly have "come to naught" whilst "hanging on in quiet desperation" as i look towards finishing it, and no - i will not beg like so many others now do.

Still, on a more positive note if i knew then what i know now i would've torched the bloody thing given how its come to dominate my life whilst the arse has fallen out of the boat market as well as the wider economy for the job i do.

You live & learn eh?...........................

*EDIT* will be back on it fairly shortly.

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Albums (again)

Now Google Plus is dead, I've provided links to the originals on my facebook page, the link is now changed on the right called 'Photo Album' I've done it year by year as to link to several hundred albums will take forever. 

I will eventually set up a site for the albums independent of Google, FB etc as i can't keep doing this every few months. If there's any specific pictorial information anyone wants, message me and i'll dig it out.


Friday 1 February 2019

Future words.

As i write this its now 1:30am, I have spent the last seven hours going through every link, every photograph making sure they all work and have removed anything that's dead. If you find any let me know. 

Google are now closing down Google Plus and have stopped the archive facility in Google Photos so i guess it wont be long before the links are all dead again, I will keep this page up as long as it still works.

On a more positive note i intend dragging the project out of hiatus summer 2019 for one final push, I'll post project updates here and also on my new facebook page.

Until then.........................